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Come to peace with yourself and raise your consciousness to a new level. We show you a way to order, clarity and ease – in all areas of life.

Free yourself from your burdens

In ‘Get your house in order’ we take you on the journey from the outside in, on the path to transformation

What is your house? It is everything that has an impact on your life and everything that you have an impact on. It’s all connected, so every single step you take matters!

We bring your consciousness to a new level, where you get rid of old burdens that hinder your path.

We bring light into all corners, room by room – from the invisible and social environment, to the living space, into the body and inner life.

We show you a path to order, clarity and lightness, to come to peace with yourself.


Observe and realize what  holds you back. The first step to transformation.

The art of relation

Enlighten your social environment. Free yourself from the stories and expectations of others. Live loving relationships.

Thoughts and emotions

Let go of hindering beliefs and find your inner guidance for every step you take. 


Unclutter, essentialize and create new spaces

Body consciousness

Learn to nourish your instrument and make it`s wellbeing your priority

Focus & Clarity

Free yourself from too’much’isation, unmask and eliminate disruptive factors to live by what matters most to you.


Unfold your true nature and make your house a house of love. 

If you want to find ease, stop complaining and

start to listen within

– Marina Inara

Does that ring a bell?

You feel 

  • overwhelmed with the demands of your everyday life
  • exhausted & stressed from fulfilling expectations
  • insecure about what’s really good for you – and how to make that a priority
  • erratic – you always have good intentions, but find yourself back in the old rut after a few weeks?
  • distracted by all the things you’re supposed to be putting money and time into –  which ultimately don’t do for you
  • frustrated – because you would like to invest your time and energy into what really matters to you

Look forward to  

  • to get clarity – your inside and your outside are clear and free
  • to experience relief – you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings
  • to choose freely who and what is welcome to enter your space and finally trust in knowing for yourself what is good for you and your body.
  • To be healthy – you know how to take care of and appreciate your body and all your senses
  • To feel strong and confident – you are in control of your life.
  • To feel relaxed – you know how to cultivate your inner peace
  • To be focused and concentrated – your attention lies on what is truly important to you
  • To savor – more energy, joie de vivre, and freedom
  • To inspire others – through your being

Less is more – if it’s the right thing


These are the 7 themes we are focusing on:

  • Consciousness – recognize what influences you and what you influence, what belongs in “your house”
  • Focus – free yourself from too’much’isation to focus your attention on what truly matters to you
  • Relationships – shape your social environment, learn to manage expectations and stories of others and communicate effortlessly.
  • Space – relieve yourself of physical clutter in all your living spaces and create free spaces
  • Body awareness – get to know your body and its true needs to be strong and healthy.
  • Thoughts and emotions – let go of hindering beliefs, decode the messages of emotions and find the inner guidance for your change
  • Love – unfold your true nature and make your house a house of love.

This is what you can expect in each module

Video / Audio Impulses

Each module contains between 2-4 videos with about 1 hour of impulses from us, which will help you to gain new perspectives, give you food for thought and inspire you.
If you like to move around and don’t want to be tied to the screen, you can also download all content via audio to your cell phone.

Unlimited Access

You set your own pace and with our help set clear goals and implementation strategies at the beginning. You have unlimited access to all content at any time. 


We provide you with tasks and exercises for all content, which you can use to put into practice and implement your realizations. This will make your transformation tangible.


A journal designed with love accompanies you through all modules. In it you can reflect on all your insights, AHA moments, ups and downs on the way and remind yourself again and again of your set goal.

Personal Guidance

We are always available to help you overcome challenges along the way, deepen personal issues and celebrate successes. You have the possibility to make an appointment with Simon or Inara at any time. Our 1-1 package already includes 9 appointments.

Your path is as unique as you are!

Your path to clarity with us


1. Inspiration & Knowledge

Get inspired, gain new perspectives, discover tested knowledge

2. Self reflection & Realization 

Realize who you truly are, where you’re at, what inspires and what hinders you – how do you want to live? What do you want to do with the time you have?

3. Decision for Change

Find the courage to let go of what you are not and to decide for your path to freedom, to bring your true nature into the world.

4. Structure & Flow

Stay tuned and create your personal practice framework in which you can consistently walk your new path in all areas of life. Design your life in everyday life according to your own energy and free yourself from worn out patterns.

5.Empowerment & Integration

Take time to reflect, integrate and actualize what you have realized and experienced.

6. Liberation & Fullfillment 

Live the life you have created in the flow of your true energy, ease, freedom and fulfillment of your purpose for being.

Your Guides for Clarity

Simon and Marina Inara joined forces in a common mission – to become the change they wish to see in the world, and to inspire and empower others to do the same.

Breaking free of the viscous circle of hope that everything will get better someday, they set out in search of their own power and true nature.

On this path, they first had to get their own house in order and come to peace with themselves and their surroundings. What they encountered on the path were limiting patterns, a constant exhaustion of body strength, a lack of self-love, a “want to please everyone all the time” and a load of belongings that they didn’t truely need.

In iterations of trial and error, they have tested for themselves and with each other ways and tools to create order and clarity in their own lives. Out of this emerges a dance between structure and flow, into which they invite you to choose your own rhythm and live your uniqueness.
The two love to give you their full attention, to shed light on all blind spots and to remind you again and again of your own power.

Marina Inara

Marina Inara

Consciousness Coach, Movement Alchemist, Networker


Marina Inara brings you in the flow. She has the gift to recognize people deeply and to identify their needs. With this she stands by your side in ups and downs with her open arms and accompanies you on your path with an open, compassionate and loving way. She guides you towards finding balance between full expression and retreat, movement and stillness – in which everything finds its order and clarity.

Sharing her experience and wisdom for body awareness, the art of relating and dealing with emotions, makes her blossom and she is delighted about every invitation to help other people to find their inner radiance.



Consciousness Coach, Artist, Essentialist


Simon is all about support and structure. He is a powerful manifesting generator who loves to find efficient ways. With his humorous and profound way, he always meets you exactly where you are and at the same time challenges you to unfold.

For every little task, he finds a way to make it easier. He gets to the heart of things and builds structures from the beginning that allow him and his surrounding to unfold his free flow of creativity.

His strengths are observing, focusing and essentializing – he shows you what you don’t need anymore and how to free yourself from it.

Get started today!

Individual Modules

You are interested in individual topics and want to get an idea of our ways first?
No problem, you can buy each of the 7 main modules individually.


$ 144

each module 

Personal Guidance

You would like to dive deeper and wish for purposeful, individual support on your path?There is nothing more rewarding for us than to support you personally.
For the course you can look forward to 9 deep dive sessions with one of us.

$ 1880

Self experience

Want to do the course on your own and set your own pace?

Get all the content right away and determine your own path.

$ 888

Clients Loved….

​”Get your house in order” really does what it promises. It gives concrete clues to approach the inner house emotionally and mentally but also physically and to gain order and clarity. The course has accompanied me on my path for some time now. I can always get inspiration and input there and draw on it. An absolute blessing in all areas of life! Thank you!

Anna G.

I wanted to be inspired, to experience how much of your joy I can bring into my life by following your recommendations. I have explicitly taken time to reflect on my life, to receive support and inspiration that accompanies me. I have been deeply inspired by your thought-provoking posts, establishing new ways of thinking and rediscovering myself in my strength. I really enjoyed your videos, the beautiful pictures and of course especially the conversations that supported the process. I was able to follow to you both, learn and it almost felt like being with each other. So the process was a direct, almost intimate exchange that helped me to develop further. Your gift to make me smile again and again and thus feel and live with ease and lightheartedness I appreciate very much in all ups and downs. Thank you for that!

Rasesh B.

Simon and Inara have ignited a great, lasting journey to myself with their course. “Get your House in Order” has turned my life upside down in the most positive way… Thank you for the incredible love and clarity you have put into this course. 🙏🏻🍀

Saskia H.

Oh you two! So much has happened since I started to get my life in order. Even if it is not always easy to face certain things, I have found a lot of confidence and courage in myself through your impulses and constant support. I took my life back into my hands while before I felt lost and often as a victim. You convey so much joy, lightness and at the same time strength that one cannot help but be inspired by it. There is so much happening right now, and yet the path is becoming so easy in many ways! Thank you for accompanying me! Thank you for all of you!

Sandra H.

It was truly a gift – Get-your-house-in-order fell into my lap during a time of personal life upheaval, reorientation and guided, encouraged and supported me to open my mind to new perspectives and incorporate them into my life. Life changing and empowering – a must do!

Gertrud K.

A heartfelt


How much time do I need to dedicate to the course?

You can deal with it all day, every day and integrate it into your being. There is always more to discover.

Theoretically, there are 1-1.5 hours of input per module, plus practice. You will be guided to plan your goals and time for it at your own pace.

For how long are the course contents accessible?

You can access and repeat the content as often as you like, through your email. However, don't hesitate to start now, there is no better time. Go at your own pace.

What if I cannot afford it?

Then, for one thing, you can check for yourself whether this is really true. Unpleasant question, we know that.

But what we have also experienced is that there is always a way, if it is the right thing for you. What is worth more than your own development?

One way is an installment over 4 months.

A nicer way is with each friend (up to 5) you take on the trip, you get a 10% discount. The same applies if you recommend the course to others afterwards with a successful booking.
If you want to choose one of these ways or you can think of another one, write us directly - NOW!